GRFP Award from NSF!
Congratulations to lab Research Associate Jynx Pigart-Coleman on being awarded a prestigious Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation! She will attend Arizona State University in the fall, pursuing her doctoral degree in biology with a concentration in biology education.
New NSF Award!

Heather Vance-Chalcraft is PI on a new National Science Foundation grant to continue the work of the USE Cit Sci Network. This Research Coordination Network creates a diverse community of practice invested in using citizen and community science with undergraduate students. More details can be found using the Research link above.
Best Oral Presentation Award!
Congratulations to lab member Vanina Wekam for being recognized for the Best Masters Student Oral Presentation in the Education category at ECU's Research and Creative Activities week 2021!
TEaMS-UR Grant Funded!
Heather Vance-Chalcraft is co-PI on a recently awarded $1.6M NSF grant to use research to prepare students with team skills desired by employers. Check out a news story about the grant. More details can be found using the Research link above.